
Friday, November 9, 2018

Guy Fawkes Day.

Here is my writing to expain why we celebrate Guy Fawkes day.

Every November 5th people in NZ celebrate Guy Fawkes day.
People light a bonfire and launch fireworks.
This happens every November 5th.
Why do we celebrate Guy Fawkes day?
The first reason Why we celebrate Guy Fawkes day is because in
England King James was being mean to the Catholics. So the
people wanted to kill King James.
So the Catholics and a man called Guy Fawkes put 36 barrels of
gunpowder under the building where King James was going to
have his meeting.
But someone wrote a letter to tell King James about the plan to
blow his building.
So King James sent guards to find Guy Fawkes. When they
caught him they tortured him and killed him.
In conclusion every year now people celebrate Guy Fawkes day
to remember Guy Fawkes and what he tried to do to the King of

So that’s why we celebrate Guy Fawkes Day.

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